1: Dear Friends:

It has been a while since I´ve written as every day is filled with action-packed exploration, discovery, and basic need requirements. More than The Way, The Camino De Santiago is now understood to Jeff and I (& our friends on the path) as an all-knowing Queen Wizard of personal development. Once you set foot on her trail, she reigns over the evolutionary blossoming of each pilgrim´s ´Admirable Self.´

Through extraordinarily beautiful moments and what is painful, challenging, & uncomfortable, Madame Camino helps us understand how any extremes of behaviour (what we view as personal strengths or weaknesses) are to be investigated, and… beware the Ego, for here she is merciless… your actions will certainly lead you down a road of special misadventure and education.

I will spend some time writing in stages, typing now in a second-floor lounge cubby, next to an old and out-of-tune upright beast of a piano – Hotel Paris, Leon. Bare with me with my perhaps lengthy blogging – it may be my only opportunity for a while.

This is truly is an enlightening & remarkable journey.
Love and an invitations to you all,